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Grade 1 girl turns into a snake after teacher whipped her

A WAVE of fear reportedly gripped pupils and teachers at Mahetshe Primary School in Maphisa, Matabeleland South, following chilling revelations that a Grade One pupil mysteriously turned into a snake after she was beaten by her teacher.

The strange occult-related incident which happened two weeks ago reportedly caused a scene when parents trooped to the school after "rumours" had circulated that a Grade One pupil had changed into a snake.

When reporters visited the school on Monday, afternoon the story was the talk of the area. The girl who allegedly turned into a snake and whose name is being withheld for legal reasons is reportedly staying with her grandmother.

In separate interviews, pupils confirmed the incident saying it had sent shivers down their spines.

"Kwenzakala sibili. Waphenduka (name of the girl withheld) inyoka ekilasini ngemva kokuba etshaywe ngutitsha. Ngesikhathi eqeda kumtshaya utitsha wahle waphuma ekilasini. Satshaywa luvalo sabaleka ekilasini. Kodwa otitsha basiphendukisa," meaning it really happened, she turned into a snake while in class after she was beaten by the teacher. It happened soon after the teacher left the classroom. We were all struck by fear and bolted out of the classroom but our teacher immediately called us back," said one of the pupils.

A teacher who also preferred anonymity said: "It's a hard tale to believe. This is so because by the time it is alleged to have happened there was no member of staff who was there to witness the incident. It is only the pupils who are claiming to have seen the girl turning into a snake. The pupils are even insisting that the girl really turned into a snake soon after her teacher disciplined her."

A parent, Margaret Ncube, attributed the incident to acts of satanism.

"Although the school authorities are hiding from us what really happened we linked the incident to acts of satanism," she said.

When reached for comment, the headmistress a Mrs Sibindi could neither confirm nor deny the incident.

"I am not at liberty to comment about the incident since we are not allowed to speak to the press without the consent of our boss (District Education officer)," she said.

The girl's grandmother could not be located for comment at her homestead as she was said to have attended a relative's funeral.

My Zimbabwe News

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