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Mother's Day Gift Guide

Mother's Day is almost here and that means honoring the mothers, grandmothers and women in our life who have been there through it all with us. Through thick and thin, good and bad, mom's deserve more than a day a year to be celebrated and  pampered. They deserve every single day for all the hardwork they do! If you're stuck on what to get the leading lady in your life here's a few gift ideas that are sure to show your appreciation!

No. 1: Charm necklace// No. 2: Wedges// No. 3: Perfume// No. 4: Wallet// No. 5: Flowers// No. 6: Handbag// No. 7: Candles// 

Here's a fun little illustration that will help you pick out a perfume for her based on her favorite denim and choice of cocktail and more!

Some other great gift ideas are to treat her to breakfast, whether it's at a restaurant or in bed, a spa day, again that can be somewhere or right from your home, a no- work day where you do the housework, take her on a mini shopping spree, have a girl's day or do something you both love to do! If you're tight on budget try Pinterest for some easy and inexpensive DIYs! 

You don't even need a fancy gift to show your mom how much you love and care about her! Just tell her! She will know that how thoughtful and from the heart it is. Moms know stuff like that. 

I hope this helped on what to get the lady in your life! Granted every mom will have a different taste in gifts, fashion, etc., so this is just a list to get your started, inspire you or give you a place to start! 

What are you getting your mom for Mother's Day? Leave me a comment below sharing! :)

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"i have a great mom and i love her more and more every day"

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