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5 foods that contain the necessary proteins for women.

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The necessary proteins for women.

1. Nutritionists recommend eating beef, as it provides women with the iron they need to protect them from anemia, as well as zinc, selenium, vitamin e and vitamin e, as well as antioxidants, which prevent chronic diseases.

You may think that red meat is forbidden, if you're worried about your health or trying to monitor your weight, but lighter pieces of beef are part of a healthy diet if you're moderate.

2. Fatty fish such as sardines, tuna, mackerel and salmon contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which many studies link to increased chances of preventing heart disease and osteoporosis, which affect women frequently at an early age.

Fatty fish are known as the best sources of two of the most important fatty acids, 3 epa and dha. These fatty acids provide great health benefits for the heart, brain, lungs and circulation. High doses of these fatty acids can help slow plaque buildup in the arteries and reduce some types of blood fat.

3. But if you're a vegetarian and don't make these choices?

Quinoa is a source of all the essential amino acids the body needs without exception, as it is a complete source of important proteins.

Each cup of cooked quinoa provides the body with approximately 8 g protein, making it an ideal choice for athletes and for many health conditions that require a large amount of protein, and for vegetarians.

4. Lentils is a protein-rich plant source, and regular administration contributes to high iron levels, in women with anemia or iron anemia, due to the loss of high amounts during menstruation, pregnancy and lactation, as well as the fact that lentils contain dietary fiber that improvedigestion.

Due to the high content of lentils of dietary fiber, folic acid, potassium and lentils, it improves overall heart health.

Folic acid is an essential nutrient for the growth of a healthy fetus and does not suffer from any mental and cognitive problems, and some studies have found that taking folic acid sources regularly reduces the chances of premature birth by 50%.

5. Doctors recommend eating green peas, especially during pregnancy, because peas are rich in folic acid, a b vitamin, which reduces the risk of birth defects in the brain and spinal cord during pregnancy, as well as the prevention of postpartum depression, where studies have shown that taking vitamin b protects against depression and improves mental health.

Peas are one of the best plant sources of protein, which makes them saturated and of course they contain a high amount of fiber. Proteins generally help:

Increased levels of certain hormones in the body interrupt appetite.

Slow digestion (especially with fiber) to feel full for longer.

Improve muscle and bone health.

Because of their high protein content, peas are a good choice for vegetarians, but they are not a complete source of proteins.

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