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Kingsman: The Secret Service - Best Movie in Years!

Kingsman: The Secret Service is directed by Matthew Vaughn and stars Colin Firth, Maichael Caine, Taron Egerton, and Samuel L. Jackson. What this film is about, is a group called Kingsman. These guys are the ultimate badasses of the universe. But hey are also very gentlemanly people who are good at killing people with just about anything. 

Colin Firth's character, gets the opportunity to recruit a young kid who is actually the son of a former Kingsman. He grabs the opportunity, teaches him to be a great spy and a gentleman. 

The director, Matthew Vaughn that we have been admired for quite some time. If you haven't seen Layer Cake, one of his early movies was really good. Some people actually considered it might be the film that got Daniel Craig the Bond role. Vaughn is very good at crafting action scenes. Presenting stylish and modern look at the way action is.

Also the character of Roxy who is the girl who also training for the Kingsman is great as well. We really wanna talk about the main character of the movie, Taron Egerton. He was fantastic! His stunts was awesome, he gave a lot of humanity to his character. Every character in this movie, the main major ones anyway has something about him or her that makes them a human being. Great past, so you could really care about them. This is anothe problem that we have int he actions movie lately and this movie solved it.

Anothes film that recently tried to tribute classic spy films was Mortdecai. That movie did entirely wrong and Kingsman shows you how to do it the right way. The action is extremely fun, well performed. And the important thing is we would not describe this movie as predictable. 

So we give Kingsman: The Secret Service, A+.

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- Kingsman: The Secret Service movie review
- Kingsman: The Secret Service honest review
- Kingsman: The Secret Service behind the scenes
- Kingsman: The Secret Service deleted scenes
- Kingsman: The Secret Service best movie ever

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