Full moon, full hearts, can’t lose. Whether you’re an astrology fiend or zodiac novice, getting a look at what the upcoming January 2019 full moon means for every zodiac sign can give all of us more focus—and specific focus that we can direct toward the areas of life we’re most passionate about, or the ones where we could use a little growth, or the ones that promise to be a little complicated as things shift in our atmosphere.
Where we spend our energy is where we live our lives. So let’s all use this full moon as a time of reflection. Think of this as an opportunity to recalibrate and fine-tune ourselves—to align ourselves and our lives with the moon and the tides. We are mostly water, after all.

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Aries: March 21 – April 19
This full moon is a time for celebration. So often, you stay focused on the results that the journey itself is never fully recognized or acknowledged. Don’t wait for a promotion or large life change to bust out the champagne or congratulate yourself on a job well done. You deserve it.

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Taurus: April 20 – May 20
It’s time for a brief recharge, sweet Taurus. This full moon, focus on self-care and getting your life in order. All those small tasks can lead to decision fatigue and burnout. Consider spending time by the water, and as much as possible—in other words, relax.

Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.
Gemini: May 21 – June 21
Clean it all up, Gemini. This full moon is a chance for you to get rid of your physical and emotional clutter. Either change it or fix it—or let it go. Those are really your only options. Everything else leads to suffering. Make a choice. Protect your heart.

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Cancer: June 22 – July 22
This full moon is an opportunity for you to practice self-acceptance. Growth is almost inevitable in the course of our lives, but it means nothing if we only use it as an agent of change, and not out of self-love. Your flaws are often hidden strengths. So be brave, Cancer. Live your loudest truth.

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Leo: July 23 – August 22
This is a powerful full moon for you, roaring Leo. Harness your energy and manifest deeply. You know what you want. Write it down. Don’t be afraid to ask for it. This full moon is the ripening of all you have been working towards. Reach forward, pick the apple and take a bite.

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Virgo: August 23 – September 22
We all experience failure. What sets us apart is how we deal with it. This month may have led to some dead ends for you, but rest assured that the growth and experience you’ve gained are priceless. So take this as an opportunity to regroup. Be strategic. This is all part of the plan.

Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.
Libra: September 23 – October 22
For the past month, you’ve been getting out of your comfort zone and trying new things. This full moon is no exception. You are experiencing a deep rebirth, Libra. Keep going. The seeds are planted. Trust that you will bloom when you are ready.

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Scorpio: October 23 – November 21
Show off your generous and passionate spirit this full moon. Whether it be giving to an organization you care about, or showing up for a friend. When we give, we receive far more than we give away. So give as indulgently as you feel compelled. You’re on to something!

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Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21
Optimism is a skill, and one that you often excel at. Your vitality and thirst for experience and life will come to a peak this full moon. Trust your instincts. Plan the perfect day or month, and watch what you manifested as it unfolds before you.

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Capricorn: December 22 – January 19
Communication will flow smoothly this full moon, so stick to the facts. Don’t over-explain or try to convince others. The less you say, the more organic it will feel. Be succinct and direct. Shouldn’t be too hard for you, Capricorn.

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Aquarius: January. 20 – February. 18
This full moon, try to think more long term planning than instant gratification. What can you do right now to make tomorrow easier? What can you do now to make your life more fulfilling in three months? Take your time answering these questions—but answer them.

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Pisces: February 19 – March 20
Your creativity and artistic pursuits are worthy of your time and attention. Are you giving them the energy and focus they need? Sometimes, when we are tired, we don’t need sleep. We need more time spent doing our work. Our art. This full moon, create something. Produce instead of consume. We want to see what you come up with.
So enjoy the full moon, and feel your way through. We never get it perfect on the first try. Instead, do your best and course-correct. The only way out is through.
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