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Put Up Your Dupes. OPI Spotted vs. Fing'rs Get Spotted

     Hi Everyone. I'm currently on vacation, camping with my family deep in the Northern wilderness. But I still wanted to share a post with all of you. Today's post is one that's long overdue. Today I'll be comparing the Fing'rs Get Spotted top coat and OPI's Spotted.  You can find my original post about Get Spotted here.

     So this won't be the in-depth comparison that I originally wanted it to be because I'm a little pressed for time right now. I still have a ton of packing to do, and I've got 6 volleyball games to play tonight. Nothing like waiting till the last minute right?

     In my picture, I've shown both topcoat applied the way they are supposed to be applied, and also with my little top coat trick.

     OPI Spotted is on my pointer and ring fingers, Fing'rs Get Spotted is on the middle and pinky. The base color is Orly Flawless Flush. As you can see there is quite a bit of difference between all 4 fingers.  My ring and pinky fingers have the specialty coats applied according to the directions. I got mostly cracks and a few spots. OPI seemed to perform better, but still not with the desired results.

     Now for my little top coat trick. When I originally tried the Fing'rs Get Spotted I oopsed and applied a layer of quick dry top coat to my base color before the Get Spotted. And I got amazing results. I decided to see if I could get the same results with OPI. On my pointer and middle fingers I tried out this trick again and would you look at that! I got the desired "spotted" effect.

    OPI Spotted still performed better than the Fing'rs Get Spotted. The trick is still to use extremely thin coats even if you use a top coat in between. The thinner the coat the better the results. If I had to choose between the two I'd go with OPI. OPI Spotted is considered a HTF polish if you can't get your hands on it, the Get Spotted is an ok substitute but definitely not a dupe.

     I've recently been made aware that Fing'rs has changed the formula of their Get Spotted polish. I have the original one that came in a kit. I have no knowledge if the newer version is better or not, but I do want to make you aware of the change.

     Thanks for stopping by and Happy Polishing!

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