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Entry for Alexandra's contest

I was watching TV early this morning, while drinking my meds, i saw this TV commercial with a Medusa-like character & all of a sudden it just hit me that i know what country i would wanna do for Alexandra's contest.

For those who did not saw the little note at my last post, i was down with the flu for the past couple of days...but its not swine flu..thank God for that! When i went to the doc for the check up she reminded me of the lab test that i haven't done yet & she put me on medication FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE...what the heck... (-_-") That's what I get for not listening to my doctor...tsk tsk tsk tsk....bad thiamere...to think im just 24?!...*sigh*

I would as much as possible like to make an early entry because i wanted my readers to know about the contest to show some love for her. Please join her contest...it would be lonely if only a couple of people will join..the more the merrier,right?For those who did not see my post on her contest you drop by my contest blog too.. Make sure that you go over her blog...click HERE .

Anyways, back to my story...when i saw that commercial it dawned on me that i will do either a Roman-inspired or Greek inspired look...So i googled to take a look at some some pics but for reason it just doesn't seem to call on me..& i saw the word ISIS somewhere...so i just typed in 'Egytian Goddess'...i was originally planning to do ISIS, but i don't have enough time to do a fake throne as a headress so i just thought of Cleopatra...

So the country that i choose is Egypt...& who better to choose than Cleopatra?!

Hey, everybody knows Cleo,right?
So there....that's the story behind my entry..lol!
This is my inspiration pic...

Tried looking for a good pic of Cleopatra but Elizabeth Taylor's pic keep coming right up & since her makeup looks fab so i decided to do it!

I don't have fancy headress & gold ornaments....heck..i don't even have any golds at all...even goldfish (-_-")

This is me trying my very best to decorate myself....but i think i failed (-_-)

Now this is the only pic that i have that focuses on my eyes.. Im no good at lining my eyes...

& it took me forever to finish lining it... but im quite happy after an hour of erasing & applying liquid liner..hehe

My skin looks pasty prolly because of i still have a slight fever, but nothing can stop me from putting makeup... I look like DEATH already for the past couple of days & putting make-up made me really giddy!yay!

Why is it that all the pics that i like the most from the lot are blurry...?
this is my fave of all the pic that i took today...

Products used:

The contest supposed to end tomorrow August 7....for people living in the US you still got 2 days...is it?

Make sure you join her contest,k?


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