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9 facts about Primark that you didn't know ahead of their US opening

Some facts about Primark that I didn't know.

Ahead of their opening in the US later this year, here are some facts about Primark that I just plain did not know. Did you?

1 -  I knew the company was Irish as their store on O' Connell Street was the first but did you know it opened in 1969?

2 - The company tried the online shop thing in 2013 with a 20 piece collection available on Asos.com. Interestingly, it failed. It wasn't due to lack of interest but more the cost of posting a £3 t-shirt. I always wondered why they didn't do an online shop.

3 - In 2010, Primark banned sandblasting for the potential risk posed to factory workers. Then angora in 2013 after the outrage on the high street due to to cruel high street practises. This is the practise that makes jeans more frayed and worn looking. The distressed look.

4 - Last year, Primark posted a 30% profit increase and opened 1.2 million square feet of selling space!

5 - Primark gave £2 millon in support following the Rana Plaza collapse in May 2013. This provided food and shelter for those affected. This was a factory collapse in Bangladesh that killed 1,129 workers. The families of those killed still struggle today.

6 - Primark has been successful in stopping negative documentaries. It successfully proved that a BBC documentary about the ethical practises of the company that showed children manufacturing garments had been faked and the company were forced to stop airing the docu. It also somehow managed to stop a documentary with Alexa Chung in it called The Devil Wears Primark from airing.

7 -  The first store in the US will open in Boston with 70,000 sq ft of retail. This is due to open in September and will be followed by 10 other stores in New York and New Jersey.

8 - Interestingly, the company have their roots to thank for their Boston starting point. As Boston has a large Irish community - the company chose Boston as most would already be familiar with the brand. Clever. Although, how many of those who identify as Irish in Boston have actually ever lived in Ireland and been to Penneys? Also, are they going to call it Pennys or Primark?

9  - Penneys is Primark in Ireland. This might sound like standard stuff to us but the English have no idea what this means. I have now started saying Primark to save time.

There you go. 9 facts about Primark. Can I go now?

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