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Cozy Days

  Hello out there dear blog friends.
I've been doing a bit of fall nesting around here.
A gray and rainy day provided the perfect backdrop for a cozy day spent puttering around bringing little touches of autumnal beauty to my home sweet home.

 A little pumpkin here. . .

A few snips from the nandina bushes there.

A pair of pumpkins here and . . .

plenty of candles sprinkled throughout.
The candles are a must on a gray day like this.
They boost the cozy factor up several notches ;-).

A handful of acorns in a pretty bowl.
Which, by the way, was a recent thrift shop find.
I'm often amazed at what I find there.

I'm keeping my fall decor kind of simple this year.
A few old treasures paired with a few treasures from Mother Nature.  She is so generous to us at this time of year.  I enjoy taking little walks with my snippers and a basket collecting leaves and berries, acorns and autumn hued hydrangeas.  The good thing about that kind of decorating is when it's time to bring out the jolly jingle bells, Mother Nature's gifts can be banished to the compost pile.  Dear Mother won't be offended because they will soon be nourishment for her next growing season.  It's a win-win situation.

Wishing you happy, cozy days in this beautiful season.

Linking to:  Tweak it Tuesday

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