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Jay Z, Justin Timberlake & Kanye West are Playing With People's Minds

Controversy has always been known to help sell records, and get the parties involved more publicity, so why not milk it for all it's worth. So, Jay Z and Justin Timberlake sat side by side by at the Grammy's, and there was no Kanye West in site. People started making up stories that Jay-Z was distancing himself from Kanye. Kanye picked up on this rumour, and rapped- "I got love for Hov, but I ain't fuckin with that 'suit & tie'" People took that the wrong way, and concluded that Kanye was actually dissing Jay Z and Justin Timberlake and the song they made together (suit & tie).

If most of this people were real Hip Hop heads, they would understand that rappers words/lyrics don't always literally mean what they appear to mean. Rappers use Metaphors and Similes. If people could open their minds, and read into what Kanye started that freestyle with, they would understand that He wasn't dissing  Jay or Justin...read the whole freestyle below-

"Creativity fuels everything. I hate business people. People get on the phone with me and talk to me, you know, like, 'What kind of business can it do, though? What type of business are you doing? What's the numbers? How many did you sell? What's the radio spins? How much shampoo do you sell with your face on it and sh*t?' Remind, remind me again why we in this sh*t. Remind me again why we in this sh*t. Make it even more mellow, maybe even just the chorus -- remind me again why the Grammys can suck my d*ck, remind me again who's the original super fly/And I got love for Hov but I ain't f*ckin' with that 'Suit & Tie'/

He was obviously talking about the corporate/business people trying to make him do this and that just for the money...the corporate people...the suit and tie people...get it? But of cos none of them will come out and explain it right now, cos they are getting a lot of attention from people believing that the are beefing. Justin Timberlake is dropping an album this month, and Kanye is also dropping an album before the end of the year.

In a recent performance on Saturday Night Live, Justin kept milking the controversy by replacing a line in his suit & tie song with- "My hit's so sick, got rappers acting dramatic." Making it look like he was taking a shot at Kanye, but on the same show, he was asked about his line, and he said-

"Did it seem that way? I don't remember that. Did I change the line? It is live," he said. "You know, really, everyone, keep calm. Keep calm.
"Let me just say, for the record, I absolutely love Kanye," he added. "So there's that. We love Kanye, right?

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