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Disappearing Act

Just posting to let you know I am still here. 

Been a little busy around here in the gramma daycare business with an ill in-law grandparent so we have been having double trouble in the little boy department. Potty training is still an abysmal failure despite hours spent cajoling little boys in the bathroom. 

Every school system my school aged grandchildren attend has celebrated a spring break a different week so that I can stay on my toes planning day long activities for them. 

My husband's eighty year old aunt and her oldest daughter stopped by for a visit while traveling through our state, resulting in a massive cleaning and cooking marathon. (and packing my sorting project away yet again). His aunt had a pretty serious health crisis a few years ago and stopped by the Cleveland Clinic cardiology department for a check up that seemed to go well. 

My niece from Mississippi and my adorable great niece had a free weekend and a deal on plane tickets so more massive cleaning and clearing so we could host house guests for a few days. A few prayers for a pretty dramatic health issue here are needed, too. She was part of a trial at The Ohio State University a few weeks ago. She and her husband flew up but had to be in seclusion before and after the procedure. 

All this cleaning and cooking (Mr Merry still does not feel comfortable in restaurants) has exhausted me as evidenced in my two hour nap while sitting in a chair this afternoon. 

Since we include all my children, bonus children and grandchildren in these visits, I cook up a storm. The good news (for me) is that we can now feast on leftovers for days. 

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