After searching high and low to find the Science name in order to get the English name of Jeruk Limo, I finally found the resource of Jeruk Limo. The website gave me a complete information about Jeruk Limo in English (Thanks!); find how big the trees are at Sybout.
Again, I thanked Sybout for the permission on using a jeruk limo's picture on that website as I don't have any fresh resource to Jeruk Limo. Luckily, I could find fresh Kaffir Lime in Winnipeg, so I have had a picture of Kaffir Lime on my own.
Courtesy of Sybout
Science: Citrus amblycarpa (Citrus limonellus)
Family: Rutaceae
English: Nasnaran Mandarin, Leprous Lime
Indonesian: Jeruk Sambal, Jeruk Limau, Jeruk Limo
It's very popular for variety of Sambal in Indonesia as well as seafood dishes.
Science: Citrus hystrix
Family: Rutaceae
English: Kaffir Lime
Indonesian: Jeruk Purut
It's very useful to reduce the unpleasant smell from fish or meat by zesting the skin since the fruit has very small amount of juice.
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